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Read what other patients have said about us:

Jillann D., Irvine

Working with Dr. Joe Gray, I have had the privilege of knowing and seeing Dr. Munguia's workmanship for the past 20+ years. Our orthodontic patients needing restorations post orthodontic treatment had amazing results. I always knew that if I ever needed treatment Dr. Munguia would be the only person I would consult. So, post orthodontic treatment with Dr. Gray, my fiancee wanted full mouth restoration giving him a "killer" smile! Dr. Munguia painstakingly detailed over his treatment plan and the results are truly AMAZING! Dr. Jackqueline Martinez assisted us with Dr. Munguia's treatment plan and Tonya was wonderful in taking care of us, answering additional questions and scheduling appointments that met with my fiancee's schedule coming from Irvine. It was so worth the drive! Thank you to everyone on Dr. Munguia's smile "Team!"

Michaela, K

Dr. Munguia and his staff took great care of me during my treatment! My Implants and Crowns fit and look perfect, now I can smile big again. Thank you Dr. Munguia & team.